Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Photographic Evidence



Depending on how strong they are and where they strike, earthquakes can be some of the worst natural
Disasters, taking thousands of lives and creating billions of dollars of damage. Earthquakes are the result
Of the sudden movement of rock along a fault zone beneath the surface.


Damage and fire. It can also damage a lot of 
Buildings. Depending on the severity of the earthquake, gas mains may break, starting
Numerous fires. 
Thousands of earthquakes can be also destructive,
Especially to those structures that have already been weakened and damaged.



A Tsunami is violent disturbance deep below the ocean surface.

2. The under water earthquakes and subduction zones are the most common cause.

When an oceanic plate hits a continental plate the plates press together and pressure

Eventually the heavier oceanic plate slips under the lighter continental plate and causes
An earthquake.

The earthquake lifts part of the ocean up and drops other parts down

The Tsunami extends thousands of feet deep into the ocean.

Tsunamis carry lots of water and energy so they can travel very far.


1. They can destroy a lot of lives/drowned loved ones.

2. Wash away properties.

3. Wash away and drowned pets.

4. The sound will make you scared and after it happens you might not be able to sleep well because you
Might hear the sound of a tsunami at night.

5. Destroyed houses, Food, clothes, shelter, beds and blankets.

Convergent boundary

When the two plates come together. As these two plates push against each other, one is forced down under the other.


Two convergent plates formed mountain ranges.
These convergent boundaries commonly cause volcanoes to form. And two plates also can form a number of small and large earthquakes.

Divergent boundary

A divergent boundary is a boundary where two
Tectonic plates are moving away from one another.

It an form a line or a range of volcanoes.

Transform Boundary

Two plates move slide passing each other’s horizontally.

Where the two plates slide pass each other in a sideways the result of these two plates
Build pressure and energy. Occasionally this energy is released suddenly in the form of large earthquakes.

Subduction Zone


A process that takes place at convergent boundaries by which tectonic plates moves under another.
Hot Spots

The plates often generates from melting and upward migration of

Fault Zone

An area in where there is large concentration of fractures in the earth.

Compare and Contrast Paragraph

There are three types of plate boundary. Convergent, divergent, and transform boundary.
In convergent boundary plates move toward eacthother, in divergent plates move apart each other, and in transform boundary plate’s moves slide passing each other horizontally.
Similarities between all these boundary is that they all are boundary, all form some kind of natural disaters.however, they are also different from eactother because all boundaries form different type of natural disaster. For example, convergent boundary form volcanoes, divergent boundary forms rift valley, therefore transform boundary forms earthquake. As a result, all boundaries have to do something with the Earth.

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