Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rock cycleThere is three different kind of rock such as sedimentary rock which formed when many pieces of rock combine together and by different process such as weathering-rocks and other material break down on earth surface, erosion-weather material get moved place to place, sediment get together with process called compaction, then it glued together by cementation. Finally, it becomes sedimentary rock.  Metamorphic rock that form when magma melted from inside of the earth by heat and pressure. And igneous rock formed when minerals get melt that are cool and harden and with process called solidification in which liquid turn into solid.

Magma: melted rock come from inside of the earth.
Lava: come from outside the earth.
Sediments: broken pieces of rock.
Compaction: when rocks combine together.
Cementation: glued together.
Sedimentary rock: formed when many pieces of rock get together.
Igneous rock: formed when minerals get melt that are cool and harden.
Metamorphic rock: formed underground by heat and pressure.
Erosion:material get moved place to place.
Weathering: rock and material break down on earth surface.

 sedimentary rock formed when many pieces of rocks and minerals combine together.

granite-coarse-grained.jpg (560×420)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rock Cycle - Class L table 2

Crystals and Minerals


                                        In science class we grow two types of crystals. We put water in beaker and boiled it after that we put sugar and salt. Under solution gets saturated. Then, we put those beakers next to window until water evaporates. Finally  we noticed that if the beaker is saturated then it will grow crystal exactly how it should.                            



                         White less 
                         Hard 7        



                                                                 Powder that left after scratching Crystle on streak plate is black.

Friday, October 12, 2012

About Me

  1. Science is my favorite subject.
  2. I like chocolates,
  3. Darkness scares me.
  4. Biryani is my favorite food.
  5. I will be a doctor when i grow up.
  6. I have two siblings.
  7. My favorite color is red, pink and black.
  8. My favorite thing to do is watch T.V, listen to music and go shopping.
  9. Watch out for my dreams.  
  10. I wish for my parents and relatives to stay with me forever.